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Starting a Garlic Business:
Setting up a new business is always challenging, but there are standard procedures for ensuring success. These start with a clear idea of what is involved in your new enterprise, what are the costs and how do they compare with your expected earnings and when will earning begin to cover the setup costs and turn to profit. Garlic is no different, except that it is an primary production project and therefore you are gambling on factors that you cannot control such as weather.
Every enterprise has to compete for resources against other enterprises: that is, the money and resources that you allocate to your garlic has an opportunity cost, ie what could you be earning with those resources if they were used in a different enterprise?
Step 1 for any new enterprise is planning, particularly a business plan which shows how many resources are required for this enterprise and what is the break-even period.
Step 2 is acquiring everything you need to plant your first crop, including preparing your plot
Step 3 is maintaining your crop through the growing period, including irrigating, if need be, and fertilising
Step 4 is harvesting your crop
Step 5 is curing your crop
Step 6 is marketing your crop
Your first step is PLANNING